NYC is stated as has having the most ambitious decarbonization and sustainability plan across the USA.

NYC Accelerator is one of many city wide initiatives geared to make these ambitious plans a way of life. The Vulcan technology has been accepted as a tool to help building owners reduce their energy consumption in support of Local Law 84 (LL84), Local Law 87 (LL87), and Local Law 97 (LL97) due to the proven association of how mineral scaling impacts building equipment performance and longevity.

Local Law 84 (LL84)

NYC requires buildings owners of 50,000+ square feet properties to report their energy usage. It was designed to motivate building owners to invest in energy efficiency upgrades (ultimately making New York City more sustainable), and for making energy used more transparent and comparable across buildings types. Energy efficient buildings can reduce their environmental impact while saving money on their running costs by implementing energy efficient improvements.

There is a direct correlation between energy consumption and mineral scale that goes unnoticed because it’s hidden within building support equipment and their internal components. The Vulcan mineral descaler can prevent and remove scale deposits without requiring the use of descaling acids or physically opening equipment to manually descale.

The result is equipment that operates cleaner, use less energy, and typical consumable parts that fail and need replacing due to scale and corrosion, now last longer.

Local Law 87 (LL87)

Similar to LL84, the goal for Local Law 87 (LL87) is to help make New York City buildings more sustainable and energy-efficient. This law mandates energy audits and retro-commissioning for 50,000+ square foot buildings to be conducted once every ten years. The energy audit will identify energy-saving across lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. The Vulcan Descaler can help with water based support equipment. The retro-commissioning portion of this law involves optimizing a building's existing systems to improve its performance while reduce energy waste. The Vulcan Descaler can be used to support a single piece of equipment or implement to descale and entire skyscraper.

Buildings account for around 70% of the NYC’s greenhouse gas emissions; the Vulcan descaler is a 40+ year proven solution that can eliminate and control the buildup of mineral scale while tapping into the benefits of a building that no longer is hindered by the rippling effect of mineral scale. New York City’s goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

Local Law 97 (LL97)

“LL97 is considered one of the most ambitious climate laws in the United States.” Its goal is to significantly reduce New York City's greenhouse gas emissions while also contributing to global climate change efforts. The initial focus has been on large buildings because they among the biggest contributors to New York City's carbon footprint, but it also strict emissions limits for 25,000+ square feet buildings.

To meet NYC expectations, building have to implement significant retrofits (upgrades to heating, cooling, lighting systems, building envelopes) to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions. Failing to implement improvements are going to result in fine. Owners can avoid fines by showing "good faith" effort and committed to help decarbonization their building. Implementing the Vulcan descaler is quick and easy (impulse are wrapped around main water pipes); and does not required specialized skill or tools.

Contact us for installation location advice or a holistic building wide implementation plan:
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